Friday, December 9, 2011

My Bucket List

Lately, since i turned sixty, I've been thinking more about the things that I would like to do. I don't just mean to climb a mountain or to see pyramid. But I am tired of having a list of things that I really hoped to get at, and then to come to the end of the day – the week – the year, and see that they are not done.
Lots of these items aren't just personal goals – they came to me when I was praying, and I honestly believed that my God was calling me to do something. Here is the start of my list of things that really matter to me:

  1. There are some key passages from the Bible that I want to study inside and out, in original languages and culture as well as current interpretations. So far, this list includes: Deuteronomy 6:1-25; Isaiah 53; Isaiah 55; John chapters 5-10; John 17; Ephesians 3:14-21; Colossians 1-4. (Perhaps I may memorize good portions of these.)
  2. Ask myself each week – is everyone in my family certain that I love them. Is there a way to show them and tell them again soon?
  3. Keep going on dates with Pat, letting her know that I'd rather be with her than anywhere else in the world.
  4. Pray and then ask myself each week: Who are the people that I can bless this week? Then do it.
  5. Review my 35 years of journals, take note of the significant moments of insight and record them together in one document.
  6. Take time to mediate on those insights, and to speak lovingly and honestly with my God every day.
  7. Begin a practice to record the dates of funerals that I lead, and continue to follow up with the family regularly as appropriate. Back date this practice for the last few years, and do the same for weddings and baptisms and child dedications.
  8. Be alert to current discussion and articles about Faith and Science, and other key questions of truth and worldview.
  9. Make sure that I have invited my family, my friends, people that I love, to choose Christ – not only to be ready for heaven, but to have the full robust faith needed for this life.
  10. I want to make music on my violin and piano and guitar, and ride my bike year-round.
  11. I want to read a book every two weeks and classic novel each year.
  12. I want to live out loud, and live generously as a spiritual life coach, equipping leaders and emerging leaders, and listening to anyone who needs to talk.
More things will hit the list, and some of these are getting checked off. When it is all said and done, I want no regrets. I will stand before God, full of worship and gratitude, and out of breath because life has been so full.

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