Saturday, May 22, 2010

The VELA Training Centre

Today was the climax of our time in Mexico. The first weekend teaching sessions were focused on reaching and teaching children in the church and in the home. This second weekend concentrated on the home, particularly pastor's homes.
Walter Erion did the majority of the teaching this day and, even in the morning as we prepared to go, Walter and I both sensed that this would be a day that would be specially touched by the presence of God. It was clear throughout the week, and particularly on this day that people knew and loved Walter deeply. They knew him well and appreicated his connection with Centre Street Church. They were also unified in their love and support for Daniel Ambriz. Daniel serves as a pastor and guide to these church leaders.
Daniel Valencia, National Director of VELA, spent the week with us in planning and translation duties. The high value that he placed on what was being done was evident in his investment in this week and this final day.
The training centre in Texcoco is a beautifully treed and well-equipped property. This final gathering was planned to assist and bond the pastors and leaders of the ten participating churches.

Walter presented four sessions, beginning with scriptural perspectives on the home, followed by a session on four major factors that cause conflict in the home. Couples had opportunity to discuss how their personality types would affect communication and their relationships. The third session dealt with resolving conflict in the home. Copies of the book, The Love Dare, were distributed at the close of the session. The Love Dare book is related to the movie, Fireproof, in which a father challenges his son to take a 40 day "love dare" before he makes a decision on whether or not to divorce his wife. The Love Dare provides 40 different practical love challenges to help build and/or restore a relationship. We also distributed the book, The Blessing.
The final session concentrated on giving a blessing our familes and to others, and was based on the book, The Blessing, by Gary Smalley. Walter gave a scriptural foundation, followed by practical suggestions on how parents bless children. Then, teaching from the example of the apostle Paul, Walter read from the conclusion of Paul’s final epistle, II Timothy. Paul gave a final charge and blessing to Timothy. A second example of Paul's blessing came from the book of Acts, chapter 20,  where Paul gave his final blessing to the believers in Ephesus as they prayed and wept with him at the port before his departure.
This teaching had a rich and personal impact on the gathering, and it led naturally into a response as the church leaders sought to encourage and bless each other.  Daniel Ambriz set out chairs at the front of the gathering and invited one of the pastoral couples to sit in the chairs. He described the work of the church and told of particular needs of the pastoral family. He then invited people from the church and fellow pastors to gather around them, to lay hands on their shoulders in blessing, and to pray. As music played we all lifted our voices in prayer for the needs of this couple and this church. When the prayer concluded he called up another pastoral family, and the whole process was repeated. Over the space of 90 minutes we were gathered in the presence of God and in the beauty of these grounds to ask God`s grace for each congregation represented there.

I made some younger friends and, in the pictures that follow, you will see me some pictures of Ingrid and Lupita. Muches Gracias Ingrid y Lupita.

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